Exchanging ideas, discussing a topic is common to do it through a written text, but there is also the possibility of using other resources, such as video. One of the tools that allows you to participate by video is Flipgrid. Flipgrid is a tool that belongs to Microsoft and where you can record videos of up to 10 minutes. It is possible to create a group or topic of discussion and the students make their interventions through videos. The interesting thing about this tool is that several resources can be added at the same time it is being recorded, such as: text, emoticons, images, filters, among others. Both teachers and students can participate and respond through videos, and only for the teacher, the feedback they make can also be done by video. It also gives the possibility to upload a video from another site, edit it, share it or download it. So it becomes a flexible tool that allows students to exploit their creativity and develop skills, such as oral communication, organization, where they feel more connected with their teachers and classmates, even more so in these times of virtual education.

Although Flipgrid is initially intended for classroom activity, it can also be used in other environments and for other purposes such as:

- Establish contact with other people around the world on the Internet with whom you share certain interests, to make, for example, lists of questions and answers answered (on video) by specialists in their field, book clubs, for mentoring, etc.

- For use by families to hold meetings with parents by teachers, so that parents with little free time can tell students what they are working on (a “show and tell” style that they organize in other countries), to send a happy birthday message to.someone of your friends or relatives spread over different locations. 

- To comment on good practices among teachers, tell success stories of tools that work well among teachers, give opinions, etc.

- In the case of educational centers it can also be used as a tool for students (for example in online training courses) to introduce themselves to their peers, to create yearbooks, to give news about educational centers, to meet the staff of organization.


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