ThingLink is a very useful online tool that allows you to host audio, video and rich links directly in your images, and then publish them on the web. It is used to easily create interactive photos through photographic innovation. Thinglink has tags to connect with a lot of sites. Clicking on the same image allows the user to watch videos on YouTube, access a hyperlink and other options. Thinglink allows you to insert links to resources within photos or videos. It is, therefore, a tool that can be used by both teachers and students.


Level of application: Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS), because the student uses educational technology through technological resources based on the activity carried out by the teacher, which can be a video, a game, a cartoon, etc.

To upload an image to Thinglink you need: Upload images, they can be uploaded directly from the web using their URL, imported from Flickr or uploaded from the computer. Then edit the image by inserting the hyperlinks you want. Finally, share the images on the web, it can be on Facebook, a WordPress blog or on a website, among other options.

To track the results of your post: Thinglink offers a variety of real-time data and statistics. It is counted every time someone moves their cursor over the image, clicks on it to follow a link, or interacts with the content of the tag. With this data it is possible to measure the effectiveness of the image and its content. In this type of technological tools, some may offer the ability to provide a score for activity, otherwise if it is an educational training tool, a way of evaluating it would be for the student to make a comment on the results obtained and on their acceptance of that tool.

Briefly, Thinglink is used to:

- Create interactive images with information pins, called "tags".

- Insert videos, text, links, images and other files in the labels.

- Edit an interactive image collaboratively.

- Share the image on social networks, embed it on a site or send the link.

- Generate and share albums called "channels" that collect work done in ThingLink


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